Welcome To
My Portfolio Website
Hey, I'm Anubhav. I'm a full stack developer.


AI Image Generator
A React-based web app that generates 1024x1024 images from user-provided or predefined prompts. Users can choose from 50 prompts or input their own. Generated images are displayed in a home feed for viewing and downloading.
- React
- Tailwind
- MongoDB
- Express

Chat-GPT for Chrome
Harness the powers of Chat-GPT at the click of a button, without ever needing to switch tabs. Requires an API key.
- Javascript

Metaverse Website
Welcome to a cutting-edge metaverse website powered by React, Next.js, and framer motion for stunning animations. Explore a limitless virtual world.
- React
- Tailwind
- Framer Motion
I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world. From Back-end To Design
Experiece with
ReactJs and NextJsBack-End
Experience with
Node and DatabasesUI/UX
Experience with
tools like Figma
About Me
Started my journey as a CS Student
Started building projects and uploading them on github
Started as a Subject Matter Expert Intern at RecruitNxt
Started Contributing to open source
Made my own portfolio website and started blogging
Personal Achievements
Open Source Contributions
Projects built
Twitch Followers
Research Paper Published
Hobbies and Side Hustles
Beyond my development work, I'm a dedicated gamer and technical writer. I occasionally stream Valorant and Fortnite on Twitch, showcasing my gaming skills. As a tech writer on Hashnode, I'm a trusted source for web development and tech insights. I explain complex concepts clearly and have received positive feedback. Whether coding or gaming, I tackle both with enthusiasm, dedication, and problem-solving skills. I aim to keep contributing to the tech and gaming community through my content and live streams, fostering knowledge-sharing. Check out my Hashnode posts and drop by my Twitch channel to watch some gameplay. 😉